Caina’ – a Mediterranean sound-track
SUD 0002
World Music
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In this occasion Mauro Palmas has confirmed his excellent skills as a composer. His qualities are already well known in the working and researching activity he has been doing for years in the musical scene with Sonos and Elena Ledda. Cainà, the soundtrack, is founded on a solid uniformed composition form, that refers to the precious Italian Mediterranean-music heritage. Endless source of inspiration for Mauro Palmas, who made a smart and original crossing from Maghrebi rhythm, Arabic and Latin sonorities, with jumps onto Sardinian traditions. Going from the theme of tundu till the traditional Ave Maria completely rewritten for the strings. A powerful mixture, meanwhile heterogeneous and full of sounds carrying high emotional value.
Some years ago Livio Jacob, the director of the Friuli film library, with Vincenzo Martinelli, a cinema historian, went to Prague’s film library in order to find movies to present at the Pordenone’s ‘Giornate del Cinema Muto’ ( ‘Days of Mute Cinema’). The director of the Narodni Filmovy Archiv in Prague, Vladimir Opela, showed the two Italians a mysterious film with Maria Jacobini, made in Sardinia, with subtitles in Czech language. It was the movie Cainà – the island’s daughter by Gennaro Righelli, in its last survived copy. It arose the idea to cooperate with the film library of the Humanitarian Society to recover the movie. Years before in the Prague’s film library a second-generation positive copy had been gotten from the original copy on a nitrated support, and from that one, in the Bologna’s “Immagine Ritrovata” (“Recovered Image”) laboratory, a second negative and a positive copies were obtained. The Czech language in subtitles was substituted by Italian and the titles were completed. The recovery of this film, a special event in the history of Italian cinema, is fundamental even for the Sardinian culture. In fact it is the only mute movie based on Veristic ideology, in which the scenes are set in Gallura’s local town squares and roads, and Sardinian common people have been given walk-on parts.
Caina’ – a Mediterranean sound-track
In this occasion Mauro Palmas has confirmed his excellent skills as a composer. His qualities are already well known in the working and researching activity he has been doing for years in the musical scene with Sonos, his group. But in this very occasion, since he had more freedom at his disposal, he has revealed very interesting topics that go beyond the field of cinema, and suggest new fields worth exploring. Writing for movies is a very complex task, and it is almost always the compositor the one who has to give up something: supporting the rhythm of the movie, underlining crucial moments of actions, emphasizing emotions are the elements which he has to submit to, with the result of toning down his musical project, that instead would deserve different placing and timings. This is not the case of Cainà, though, because its strength is founded on a solid uniformed composition form, that refers to the precious Italian Mediterranean-music heritage. Endless source of inspiration for Mauro Palmas, who made a smart and original crossing from Maghrebi rhythm, Arabic and Latin sonorities, with jumps onto Sardinian traditions. Going from the theme of tundu till the traditional Ave Maria completely rewritten for the strings. A powerful mixture, meanwhile heterogeneous and full of sounds carrying high emotional value.
PALMAS Mauro from Felmay Shop