SQUADRA DI CANTO POPOLARE VALPOLCEVERA is one of the eldest team of this kind of polyphonic vocal music in the Genoa area.
Their style is called TRALLALERO a real magic word - thrice over!
It refers first to a male voice singing style: secondly to the section thereof based on nonsensical monosyllabic uttering (in English Tra-la-la) and also to a whole repertoire of traditional songs most of which anonymous. In this record you will discover the full meaning of this word.
As direct heirs of the Nuova Pontedecimo group, founded in 1958, VALPOLCEVERA is considered today the most authentic and better representative of this vocal style. A style quite unknown even in Italy, where with the singing of Sardinian Tenors is the only archaic polyphonic vocal style still alive in the present time.
In the genoese area only recently the young people is starting to re-discover this typical way of singing and the group is getting more and more attention. This is one of the most positive results of the diffusion of the World Music in Italy.
We have chosen to present, in this recording, the style as pure and «simple» as it is in the original form. Without the technical devices that many times modernised the sound. We do not think it was necessary in this case because this music has a force in itself strong enough to make it understable to anyone.
We hope you enjoy TRALLALERO has we did the first time we heard it and we still do.