Nt 6755
World Music
Dunya Records
The word Trance is widely used today to describe music of this end of a millennium. Most of the contemporary music, especially in the electronic area, is labelled with this term and is related, more or less correctly, to trance and ecstatic state. The lack of spiritual values in our times is very deep.
The CD Trance presents a series of music characterised by trance or ecstatic character, assemble and organised by the Italian composer Paolo Modugno. It is a musical and spiritual journey in the spiritual ceremonies of other cultures of the present time where the mystic experience maintains a holy value.
This is not an encyclopaedia of the species of Trance neither an attempt to value and compare different musical and spiritual experiences that share very unspeakable common grounds ma instead to shape a trip in the world of spirit.
From Badakhshan to Brazil, from ceremonies of Balinese Ketchak to the Moroccan Gnawa, to the Cuban Santeria is most easily common element is the Man, the human being looking for answer to the same basic questions that even our technological and technocratic culture cannot escape from. We hope we succeed with this production in giving a small help in this search.
The CD is being realized in collaboration with Musica90 programme dedicated in the fall 1996 to the subject of the Trance music.