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YO YO MUNDI - La rivoluzione del battito di ciglia
La rivoluzione del battito di ciglia

fy 8276 2

Felmay Records

1 CD

In 2020 Yo Yo Mundi celebrates 31 years of activity, and they do so with a record that is a real manifesto of their poetics and commitment. The word revolution so full of strength and energy declined together with the blink of an eye, spontaneous and delicate act. A marriage between opposites that can generate something truly new, that - so much - desired gentle revolution that will finally change the world in the sign of respect for and protection of the environment, the planet, the different cultures and the rights of people and all living species. A double fil rouge that combines all the songs on the album.

The blink revolution. This album marks a turning point in our discography, because we love to amaze and we want to improve with each new step! And the title is the precise synthesis of a real manifesto of our poetics and our commitment. We loved this thing of putting two opposite concepts in the same sentence, a real oxymoron. The word revolution so full of strength and energy declined together with the blink of an eye, a spontaneous and delicate act. A marriage between opposites that can generate something truly unprecedented, that - much desired - gentle revolution that will finally change the world in the sign of respect and protection of the environment, the planet, different cultures and the rights of people and all living species. Revolution, that is, a powerful, energetic, collective act and certainly moved by the urgency of change together with the blink of an eye, which instead is an instinctive, uncontrollable, sometimes barely perceptible act, but, attention, to date, irreproducible by technology and robotics (will this be the last garrison of humanity?). This is the double fil rouge that unites all the songs on the album of The Revolution of the Blink of an Eye. Our proposal for a gentle revolution falls at a very particular and very difficult historical moment: we are looking for answers that we do not find, answers to our questions of happiness and the right to sustainable and equal existence that politics, ideals, climate do not give back to us. We are firmly convinced that the time has come to return to fraternal collective acts of exchange, barter, sharing, unity of purpose. They have divided us, not only to rule, but to treat us more easily as numbers, as consumed consumers, as digitized puppets in the coils of some algorithm. It is time to take back the meaning of life, to limit more and more these unsustainable constraints imposed always and only in the name of profit and the now inadmissible, stale share rules. And we, who believe in the strength of the group, know well that there can be no other path of struggle and rebellion than the collective dream.

We conclude this story by telling you that in 2020 we celebrated together the thirty-first year of Yo Yo Mundi. Thirty-one years ... Of giant emotions. Of extraordinary encounters. Of friendships, caresses and complicity. Thousands and thousands of kilometers. Of hundreds and hundreds of songs. Of - we no longer know how many - concerts and shows. Of creativity and bright collaborations. Of commitment and awareness. Of positions, sometimes courageous. Of unthinkable gratifications. Of hugs. Of Desertion, of Beauty of the margins, of Impatience, of crooked paths, of Resistance and of Evident traces of happiness. Of great love for life, for music, for others. A game of the world ... And music invented and played with "half-closed eyes and wide open ears". Thirty-one years of you - all of you, each of you - who are there, you have been there and you will still be close to us, traveling, with us, on the flying carpet of our dream played and dreamed.

YO YO MUNDI from Felmay Shop

YO YO MUNDI - Resistenza


1. Ovunque si nasconda 3.32
2. Fosbury 3.58
3. Spaesamento 3.53
4. Il paradiso degli acini d’uva 3.35
5. Il respiro dell’universo 3.12
6. Bacio sospeso 2.22
7. Il silenzio che si sente 3.56
8. Lettera alla notte 3.40
9. Ninna nanna del filo 3.31
10. VCR 3.25
11. Umbratile 3.05


Yo Yo Mundi
Paolo Archetti Maestri: acoustic and electric guitars, voice
Eugenio Merico: drums, percussions
Andrea Cavalieri: electric bass, double bass, voice
Chiara Giacobbe: strings arrangements, violin, voice

With: Daniela Tusa – voice; Dario Mecca Aleina - synt, keyboards, percussions; Fabio Martino – accordion; Fabrizio Barale - electric guitar; Simone Lombardo - bagpipe, hurdy-gurdy, flutes; Andrea Calvo - piano

Guests: Marino Severini – voice; Giorgio Li Calzi - flicorno; Maurizio Camardi - duduk, sax; Alan Brunetta - marimba, drums, percussions; Gianluca Vaccarino - electric guitar; Donatella Figus - voice
; Alice Cavalieri - voice

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