1. Pipe Tunes - Shooglenifty
2. 70th Year - Shaw, Eilidh
3. Waterloo - Malcolm, Jim
4. Cuillin Part 2 - Bennett, Martyn
5. Goa Away - Corner House
6. Na Spioradan Briste - Seelyhoo
7. Little Pickle - Kick (1)
8. Taylor's Mistake - Calluna
9. Nothing Left To Say - Burach
10. Barbara's Jig - Keep It Up
11. Punch In The Face - Tabache
12. Huntin' The Buntin' - Deaf Shepherd
13. Gold Ring - Russell's House
14. Ba'Rag - Wrigley, J.& H.
15. November - Anam
16. Mornings At Bonny Doon - McManus, Tony