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TRE MARTELLI - Cante 'r Paroli
Cante 'r Paroli

Fy 8193
World Music

Felmay Records
1 CD

«As it often happens for important meetings, the one with Giovanni Rapetti was accidental. It was the late eighties of the twentieth century, we were called to play at a meeting of writers in Alessandria. There we listened for the first time to the poet reciting his verses and we were abducted. Until then our musical choices excluded, a priori, the possibility of playing a song that was not strictly derived from oral tradition. The dramatic power and ethics of the texts by Rapetti immediately pushed us to imagine his poetry as a natural continuation of the contemporary poetic folk songs we knew. Since that meeting, the idea of creating music for his poems became a commitment for us. After some years, we reach this goal. Chance or fate set the release of our tenth album in the year when the "bard" celebrates his ninetieth birthday. We hope he enjoys this tribute and gift to him and his work.»
Tre Martelli, 2012

«As it often happens for important meetings, the one with Giovanni Rapetti was accidental.
It was the late eighties of the twentieth century, we were called to play at a meeting of writers in Alessandria. There we listened for the first time to the poet reciting his verses and we were abducted. Until then our musical choices excluded, a priori, the possibility of playing a song that was not strictly derived from oral tradition. The dramatic power and ethics of the texts by Rapetti immediately pushed us to imagine his poetry as a natural continuation of the contemporary poetic folk songs we knew. Most of her career, in fact, is dedicated to explore the memory of his rural village, making him - in our opinion - a true soul ethnologist or, as others have affectionately called him, the bard of Villa del Foro. Since that meeting, the idea of creating music for his poems became a commitment for us. It was Andrea who, comforted and encouraged by the warm approval of the poet, took on the burden and the honor to develop this artistic project. Since 1995 we decided to add a couple of these creations in every album we produced, keeping always loyal to our original idea, to create - as soon as possible - an entire work dedicated to Rapetti. After some years, we reach this goal. Chance or fate set the release of our tenth album in the year when the "bard" celebrates his ninetieth birthday. We hope he enjoys this tribute and gift to him and his work.» Tre Martelli, 2012

Tre Martelli (seminal northern Italian band) has been on the scene for almost 30 years now. They are also a valuable point of entry to the musical traditions of Piedmont, because, over the years, they have patiently reconstructed the folk music heritage of the geographical triangle between Monferrato hills, Langhe hills and Alessandrino plain, with extensions into the mountainous Canavese and Quattro Province areas, gathering together a huge repertoire of drinking and ritual songs, ballads, instrumentals and dance music including brando, monferrina, curenta, burea, scottish, mazurka, waltz, polka and many others. The quality and accuracy of its field work, and the attention given to stylistic variations in the area, together with energy and creative maturity of the band’s performances, have engendered enthusiastic audience response and critical acclaim, both at home and abroad. This has resulted in a huge increase in concerts, tours, performances in national TV’s and Radios (B.B.C., R.A.I., etc.), not only in Italy but also in the most part of Europe.

TRE MARTELLI from Felmay Shop


voci soliste:
Liliana Bertolo in: 9
Elisabetta Gagliardi in: 5 e 11
Paolino Marchelli in: 8
Vincenzo “Chacho” Marchelli in: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18
Gastone Pietrucci in: 3
Giovanni Rapetti in: 14 e 19
Betti Zambruno in: 1

Renzo Ceroni - bassetto, chitarre
Enzo G. Conti - fisarmoniche diatoniche, armonium
Paolo Dall’Ara - cornamuse (musette 16’ e 20’), flauti, piffero, takenette
Matteo Dorigo - ghironda
Andrea Sibilio - violino, mandoloncello, contrabbasso, mandolino,
percussioni, carillon, voce
ed inoltre:
Mathieu Aymonod - piffero in: 4
Cesare "Cizdra" Campanini - fisarmonica a piano in: 13
Aldo Carpanelli - piano digitale in: 16
Gianni Coscia - fisarmonica cromatica in: 8
Stefano "Stefanino" Faravelli – piffero in: 13
Elisabetta Gagliardi - pianoforte in: 11
Fernando Raimondo - ghironda in: 6
Marco Sardi - fisarmonica a piano in: 1

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